Fuzzy Gray Raindrop

By Alex Nuttall - Bio She lays beside you Out if all the places in the house She chooses to be beside you You can't deny The pride you feel and You want to brag to the whole world But that's not what this Is about It's not about anything, Really, Not about Anything Her legs are juxtapose In front of her nose And she shapes A raindrop If you can imagine Her furry feline body As so It's not so bad When everything seems To be in Disorder You can be confident That your struggle Is worth it When you know You take care Of the cat Just a cat Well, actually two cats And a wife And some plants You may not be doing The best job But to her You're doing just fine Maybe to them all You're doing just fine The suggestion box The litter box Maybe they're the same But at least the shit Gets out there And not on the street And not on the floor And not on the bed, Often, Not on the bed Well maybe once Or Tw...