Just Imagine, My Son
28 Sept 1998 By Alex Nuttall - Bio Just im a gine the sun Foll ow ing the ri ver It sens es the life Co ming out of the u ni verse. What a lie I have told you, My son, I do not know What the sun sens es. Just im a gine that it Is there for you, Be cause it is, Why else would you know It? Son, I love you. I watched you feed by your moth er‘s breast. You suc kled and you wept. You lov ed your mother And I lov ed her through you. Just i mag ine What it was like, My son. You now hold your fish ing pole And yet you do not wish to catch Be cause you have your father. Your hook has not been checked for an hour Or so And you smile to your old-man And a tear goes out of you Like some squeez ed fruit. Son, love your mother. Love her boos em. Love her. Love life. Call her, your mo ther, and then Call your wife; Call your sis ter, Call your daugh ter, Catt your vir gin moth er Ma ry, And call your mis t