
Showing posts from February, 2023

Falling Down

Not today, Satan. Не сегодня, сатана. Hoy no, Satanás. Nicht heute, Satan. .ليس اليوم أيها الشيطان .לא היום, שטן आज नहीं, शैतान।


У каждого есть план, пока его не ударят по лицу.

Concrete verses CPI

I've ordered concrete for many years. LWH'/27 = CUBIC YARDS. The dollar #USD on the other hand could buy 8 cubic yards for $1000 delivery in 1987. Now it's $6000 (Fed Highway comparison 87~ 2006.) Did the concrete get bigger? No. The monetary supply did which is what the CPI is based on.  "The Fiat Standard: The Debt Slavery Alternative to Human Civilization" by Saifedean Ammous - "The CPI has no definable unit; it absurdly attempts to measure the change in the value of the unit that is used for the measurement of prices, the dollar, which itself is not constant or definable." Start reading this book for free: Find Saifedean Ammous -


People gamble with their Fiat currency all the time because it's not so valuable that you want to keep it.

Socialism disguised as Evangelical

Socialism evangelicals... The group think leads to secular reasoning which leads to a bunch of dolts building a tower to "God" and God comes down and changes everyone's language because God is a based decentralized free market capitalist.

Hazmat Bag East Palestine

Hazmat Specialist Encourages East Palestine Residents to Save Their Furnace Filters as Evidence

Sesame Street Groomers

A friend of my wife was watching Sesame Street with her grandchildren and this uncle-fucker showed up on the screen. They hate you and your children.

Attention is the currency and your entertainment is harvesting you.

The all seeing eye on the dollar bill is the real currency the Universe operates on. This is your attention. This is your focus. This is the conduit with which your life force operates and it is harvested via entertainment. You waste thousands of hours of your life doing two things. The first thing is working for Fiat currency. The second thing is selling your Fiat currency for entertainment.  The entertainment industry fully understands this. They harvest your labor and in return they program you to increase your time preference so that you will work harder for immediate gratification.  The solution to this trap and slave entropy is the pursuit of skillful action. This is the action that lowers your time preference and increases your ability to work for yourself and others in meaningful ways that being joy, well being and harmony to your life.  As you increase your skill your awareness increases and your start to see the trappings of entertainment. These trappings include- mind alteri

Mark Passio - De-Facto Satanism

Satanism, according to Mark Passio is a practice of Dark Occultists based on the worship of the Ego.  

Fiat Mining Explained

I'm this extensive document I will explain the mechanism of $Fiat (Fiat Currency 💲💵) mining. For a definition of what Fiat Currency is:  Fiat Currency . How to mine: Step 1. Perform a job for Fiat Step 2. Buy something for Fiat Step 3. Declare, "This is mine." Step 4. The money printer makes more Fiat than you have and everyone else has and now everyone needs to service their "property". Step 5. Price goes up because money is handed out to government servicers, contractors, employees and via government services.  Step 6. Those who get the Fiat first can front-run prices and they offer to buy your property for more than you paid for it! Step 6. Wow! You made a profit! Step 7. Oddly enough your money doesn't buy what it used to and you need to work harder and longer hours to buy (mine) more Fiat.  Step 8. Get a raise or get a job paying more or buy less crap. Step 9. Save money. Step 10. Your savings are outpaced by the money printer and you need

Mark Passio - Psy-Ops

Mark Passio presents an excellent organized slide and speech on Psychological Operations regarding the Occult and the Dark Occult operators.  Mark Passio - Psy-Ops 


What an absolute stinker. I liked the move for 30 minutes and then it just unraveled with hyperbole that was supposed to be comedy. It was another attempt of Hollywood trying to be moral. An absolute farce. 2 stars out of 5.

Attention is the Currency and You are the product.

What's the common theme here? Because attention is the currency and you are the product.

Get $10 of Bitcoin Free!

Withdraw from a corrupt economy... . @saylor (Michael Saylor) throws down some wisdom that leads to #Bitcoin as a union. SwanBitcoin is the best way to accumulate Bitcoin with automatic recurring buys. Become a Swan member today and get $10 of free Bitcoin!


One day the Internet will have a thing called Hyperlinks and you will be able to see the source, touch it or click on it and you will be automatically sent to the source of the information so that you can review the source for yourself. It will be amazing. #screenshots

Useless Wrapped Axe

There is nothing more useless than an axe wrapped in a bundle of sticks. The axe allows the individual to obtain food and shelter. The fasces is absolutely the perfect symbol for government. A useless parasite around a useful object. 

Free Bitcoin Book!

Curious about Bitcoin? Download a free copy of Inventing Bitcoin from @SwanBitcoin to learn why Bitcoin was created and how it works.