November The Ninth Month
November 1st, 2023 November means the ninth month. For those of you who do not believe that anyone is lying to you why don't you explain this? October - 8, December - 10... You don't think you are under any mind control? You don't believe in conspiracy? You don't think that there is an organized effort to dumb you down and make your very language irrelevant? The days of the week in English: Monday - The Moon Day Tuesday - Tewas (Tir , Mars Day) Wednesday - Woton, Odin's day Thursday - Thor's day Friday - Venus (French) Freya (Goddess -Odin's Daughter) The Morning Star (See Islamic Logo with Moon and Venus) Islamic Holy Day Saturday - Saturn's day (El in Hebrew as in BethEl (Temple of Saturn) -Sabbath day) Jewish holy day Sunday - Sun's Day and Christian holy day. All days of various cults as the weekend reserved for the desert Astrotheology cults. So what does that mean? It means that by visiting the marketplace we have embraced various c...