
Showing posts from March, 2023

Fiat Settlement is the Cost and Energy of All Militaries

I live in a Military megalopolis. Yesterday I watched helicopters, planes, boats, ships and lights turn on and off. This is what powers $fiat currency. One plane circled around over and over and over again. This is "training".  When a #Bitcoin miner cuts on it's working on settlement of transactions, security of transactions and building a ledger that is validated by node consensus.  When $Fiat transactions are settled it is under the threat of violence. Certainly the organization needed for the movement, settlement and organization of transactions is the exact cost of all militaries, banks, networks and computers which is 50 percent of computer power and the other 49 percent is the entertainment periphery that keeps potential criminals of state occupied.  Being the 1% is an honorable position because it's the largest computer network dedicated to hard money on the planet. 

Honey Badger Don't Care

The Honey Badger is the Bitcoin Mascot. A great example is that the honey badger gets bit by a cobra, falls asleep for five minutes. Wakes up. The honey badger then eats the cobra. When it comes to honey, the honey badger will break into the hive and while getting sting will proceed to get the honey and larvae because HONEY BADGER DON"T CARE.

The Great Pyramid Scam

What part of pyramid scam do you not understand?

Bitcoin Fixes Defaulting Banks

In order to wipe away all debts of this US dollar denominated world. I propose that instead of lending more debt as dollars we reverse that trend and make all Dollars equal to Bitcoin Satoshis. A 1 to 1 exchange. This will eliminate further inflation and will allow all debts to be settled on the Bitcoin time chain.  There are 2.1 Quadrillion Satoshis in the Bitcoin Core code and there are 2.1 Quintillion Milli-Satoshis in the Lightning ⚡ Network settlement channels. That means that the infrastructure is already here and available for adoption.  All of those who do not have Bitcoin can easily work for Satoshis and those with Satoshis can easily pay for services, assets, commodities and property. All US dollar prices will freeze and start to deflate as the scarcity of Bitcoin will control prices via the free market.

Antisemitic, I Don't Think So

Antisemitic, I don't think so. Usury is a sin in the Bible, Islam and Christianity. Semitic people who are faithful loath the banking cartels.