Antisemitic, I Don't Think So

Antisemitic, I don't think so. Usury is a sin in the Bible, Islam and Christianity. Semitic people who are faithful loath the banking cartels. 

If you are illiterate you might play into the whole 🤡🌎 narrative but since I use the semitic alphabet to communicate and Arabic numbers to do my math I am pretty sure that to disregard parasitic practices, lying and creating Fiat currency is against the natural law of the universe whereas mathematics, communication and value for value are balanced and skillful activities. 

To reiterate an old Yiddish saying: "If you have only two choices, choose the third."

#Bitcoin is Kosher, Halal and in line with the Dhamma. Fiat currency is the work of the Satan (opposition in Hebrew), Shaitan (opposition in Arabic) and Mara (Evil Deceiver in Buddhism). 

The work of the Deceiver is too have people arguing over which lie is correct. 

The liberation of slaves is the goal of those who seek men and women to fulfill their human gift of life. 

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