
OgFOMK ArTS Projects:

OgFOMk ArTS -- Logo 2018
OgFOMk ArTS -- Logo 2018

Bitcoin Outlaws

Bitcoin Outlaws Logo

Bitcoin Outlaws are Bitcoin Outlaws who love Bitcoin and like to discuss things that are Bitcoin but may not directly mention Bitcoin. So what! We do a podcast meetup chat on Sundays 1500 UTC. We record these and publish the results.


Previous Chats:

Apriori Flower

Apriori Flower is the dialogue of the mind where the mind is learning to be the master. There are two flowers and these flowers discuss observing. The big flower is King Flower. The small flower is Apriori. King Flower is the master and Apriori is learning to be the master.

A priori is knowledge that is self evident. It has no proof. It is a suspected knowledge. It is a lot like faith but there is a cause and effect. Apriori is the flower in your mind. The master is that faith. It is a developed trust. It is empirical which is what a priori is not. Apriori leads to the knowledge that can not be proven. It can only be experienced. You are the proof.

The Website is located at: Apriori Flower

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