
Showing posts from August, 1998

She She She...

26 Aug 1998  By Alex Nuttall - Bio I wanted to write poems today, It's so selfish, I know, But I kept seeing her face and I dreamed That she was there and that she was the Wisest human that I could know. I wanted to write poems today About love and fire, Instead I was chastised with my own desire. I wanted to write the great American Poem, But I got sick, drunk, or died. Dead, I received a blow to the head and Ego I was the amigo of some third world pig. I wanted to write that poem that we could all answer too, But it all ended with a quick breeze and I ended up just being horny. © Alexander Blair Nuttall / OGFOMK Arts 1998 © Alexander Blair Nuttall / OgFOMK ArTS 1998 - 2017 20170618 -ABN

I Am Not Man Enough

23 Aug 1998 By Alex Nuttall - Bio I am not man enough to admit I have been Beaten by the loves that threshold brings forth I am not man enough to pay for everyone else's problems And I am not man enough to stare in the sun and get a buzz off of it I am not man enough to wish that the she that she is would just stop pestering my dreams I am not man enough to stop the flow of righteous zealots I man not man enough to rule the world for a short period of time I am not man enough to get killed for the sake of man I am just not man enough to really be a man I guess that I will Just have to be what I am... A man, A-men. “I Am Not Man Enough“ – 23. Aug. 1998 – Alexander Nuttall Search Description: The poem “I Am Not Man Enough“ written by Alexander Nuttall on Sunday, August 23, 1998. There are times when a young man or an old man are accused of not being a man. Fulfilling the prophetic relationship deemed appropria...

From Above - Haiku

8. Jul. 1998 By Alex Nuttall - Bio A-muse your-self with Hai-ku poems while dis-as-ter Strikes you from a-bove #7 Channel Marker, Elizabeth River, Portsmouth VA The "From Above" haiku is an easy as pie clown outfit fit for a king. The reason we write poetry is not because we want to get rich but because we are rich. So many times of our lives we feel powerless over the impending doom of X, Y, Z... But so what! We can compose the simplest merriment and experiment without the threat of loss. We will loose anyway so what not be in the moment and compose.  by Alex Nuttall, title: From Above - Haiku, Original Date: 19980708 – © Alex Nuttall / OgFOMK ArTS 1998 – 2018 – Retro-published 20180331. #AlexNuttall #OgFOMK #Poetry #Keywords #Haiku

Door-Knob - Haiku

30. Jan. 1970 By Alex Nuttall - Bio A door- knob made here, Is the twain be- tween wa- ters Sky for rest- less one. Door-Knob - Haiku -- Photo: Portsmouth, Olde Town, Virginia  Alexander Nuttall wrote this Haiku in 1998, August. This particular style is by syllabic groupings. The photo was taken in Olde Towne Portsmouth, Virginia. The minds of those with excellent memories have rooms and compartments with which to place memorable things. Here the door is a damn or a lock for passage on the water. At the same time this door is the sky for an unsettled mind. It is unlimited in that it keeps opening and closing. This is also regarding the LRRRPG ( ) which is the Long Range Reconnaissance Role Playing Game of life.  by Alex Nuttall, title: Door-Knob, Original Date: 19980708 – © Alex Nuttall / OgFOMK ArTS 1998 – 2018 – Retro-published 20180330. #AlexNuttall #OgFOMK #Poetry #Door #knob ...


7. Aug. 1998 By Alex Nuttall - Bio Apostasy, here Forgets his mother’s good bread-- Remembers sore cheeks. Here is a haiku - 575. Giving up his religion and most of the values taught to him the son here is blaming his mother for the laps of faith. As short as this poem is the son also suddenly remembers how good his mother's cooking was. In the end he remembers the beatings over the cooking. It's a short thought in 1998. After this the healing can begin. No more blame for the path he takes. It's in his hands.  by Alex Nuttall, title: Apostasy, Original Date: 19980807 – © Alex Nuttall / OgFOMK ArTS 1998 – 2018 – Retro-published 20180318. #AlexNuttall #OgFOMK #Poetry #Apostacy #Mother #Child #Son #Haiku