She She She...
26 Aug 1998
By Alex Nuttall - Bio
I wanted to write poems today,
It's so selfish, I know,
But I kept seeing her face and I dreamed
That she was there and that she was the
Wisest human that I could know.
I wanted to write poems today
About love and fire,
Instead I was chastised with my own desire.
I wanted to write the great American
But I got sick, drunk, or died.
Dead, I received a blow to the head and
I was the amigo of some third world pig.
I wanted to write that poem that we could all
answer too,
But it all ended with a quick breeze and
I ended up just being horny.
© Alexander Blair Nuttall / OGFOMK Arts 1998
© Alexander Blair Nuttall / OgFOMK ArTS 1998 - 2017
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