
7. Aug. 1998

Apostasy, here
Forgets his mother’s good bread--
Remembers sore cheeks.

Here is a haiku - 575.

Giving up his religion and most of the values taught to him the son here is blaming his mother for the laps of faith. As short as this poem is the son also suddenly remembers how good his mother's cooking was. In the end he remembers the beatings over the cooking. It's a short thought in 1998. After this the healing can begin. No more blame for the path he takes. It's in his hands.

 by Alex Nuttall, title: Apostasy, Original Date: 19980807 – © Alex Nuttall / OgFOMK ArTS 1998 – 2018 – Retro-published 20180318.

#AlexNuttall #OgFOMK #Poetry #Apostacy #Mother #Child #Son #Haiku


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