
Bitcoin isn't money compliment

The occult is all over science. Good and bad occult. The good occult is just the ignorance of the participants. Like doctors who take the Hippocratic oath who perform abortions, euthanasia and harmful protocols. Astrology isn't bad in itself but the belief that what is external moves the internal is incorrect. The belief that the external is a reflection of the internal and vise verse is morebetterest. The greatest Occult of darkness and the largest religion is the religion of money. Everyone who is charmed by this goes to that alter. The Fiat branch of this church is the worst. When someone says that Bitcoin isn't money that should be regarded as a compliment. Mon + Eye is the temple of Solomon between your ears. It's the pineal gland. The third eye. The all seeing eye is not on green paper. That is a talisman that sorcerers have given us to substitute our own consciousness. Think about this: The bearer instrument is the talisman. We accept it and we exchange it. It can be...


When someone takes the time to do the work and someone takes no time to disregard the work the work itself is still done and the pathway of the worker is skill while the pathway of the critic is pain. 

November The Ninth Month

November 1st, 2023 November means the ninth month. For those of you who do not believe that anyone is lying to you why don't you explain this? October - 8, December - 10... You don't think you are under any mind control? You don't believe in conspiracy? You don't think that there is an organized effort to dumb you down and make your very language irrelevant? The days of the week in English: Monday - The Moon Day Tuesday - Tewas (Tir , Mars Day) Wednesday - Woton, Odin's day Thursday - Thor's day Friday - Venus (French) Freya (Goddess -Odin's Daughter) The Morning Star (See Islamic Logo with Moon and Venus) Islamic Holy Day Saturday - Saturn's day (El in Hebrew as in BethEl (Temple of Saturn) -Sabbath day) Jewish holy day Sunday - Sun's Day and Christian holy day. All days of various cults as the weekend reserved for the desert Astrotheology cults. So what does that mean? It means that by visiting the marketplace we have embraced various c...

How To Read Bitcoin Charts

For those who want to know the secret of Bitcoin charts here's a simple guide that I use. How to read the Bitcoin all time value in USD Fiat currency: How you read the Bitcoin 5 year chart: How to read the Bitcoin 1 Year chart. How to read the Bitcoin Year to Date chart: How to read the Bitcoin 1 month chart: How to read the Bitcoin 7 day chart: How to read the Bitcoin 1 Day chart:  And there you have it. Bitcoin is eating Fiat currency and the people selling it have to sell it for more and more Fiat currency every day. The buyers increase their ability to buy what ever a Fiat dollar buys and even the dollar itself.  Eventually the Bitcoin seller will not want dollars anymore. It's our advice to get rid of all of your dollars as soon as possible by getting Bitcoin instead of pissing them away at the bar or buying crap that you don't need. 

SHitcoins and Green Language

SHITCOINS I have used this term many times and now I think it is wrong.  Jack Mallers recently said GOLD is a shitcoin and Lawrence Leopard responded. Par for the course in the #Bitcoin world. I've said this as well and as many bitcoiners have but....  We use a gold coin for the logo of Bitcoin. We use the term "coin" and coins that are valuable are made of valuable metal and if they are not accompanied by an easy to print fiat currency they actually retain value. My point is also in the "green language" of SHIT which is also fertilizer. Another point is in the term "CHIT" which is Sanskrit for awareness. We are not immune to ancient languages. Satoshi chose a Japanese version of the term Sat (Which is Sanskrit and Pali for "truth") . We also use the terms dungarees (pants), karma, dharma, and many other Latin / Greek / Hebrew / Persian / Etc in today's world. It's very important that our language is precise and not full of hyperbol...

Mind Control Liars

There are no such thing as groups. The Hebrew word for opposition and the Arabic word, Satan / Shaitan signify opposition. There are individuals who lie, create false flag operations, destroy property, harm others and engage in the Military Industrial Complex looking for opportunities to sell their means of control, enslavement, fear manufacturing and pharmaceutical experiments.  There is also an element of human trafficking. All of this polarity is designed to get you as an individual to take sides and start getting emotionally and eventually physically involved. You begin to increase and create more violence. You condone the bad behavior of others. You justify description. You choose a fake group. Meanwhile the controllers, the ones who benefit from chaos, will provide "solutions" predetermined that solve and salve the "problems". These security and government powers have already been here and yet the demand is for more government to protect the individual. This ...

Kinesthetic Opiod

Mind control is the voluntary automatic behavior of humans based on mental formations that have been used as models for reality. These mental formations are passed down from parents to children. It's a cult. It's the largest cult in the world.  The Fiat monetary system is a great example. Look at the armored car, the paramilitary guards and the scarcity that the paper implies. The scarcity of bearer instruments that lead to FREEDOM. The paper money $USD is a basis point of fractional reserve banking. It actually takes work to produce. This bearer instrument is the real power of Fiat currency and the controllers want to eliminate it because it provides FREEDOM. Conversely their mind control medium is only as valuable as the kinesthetic opioid.  #Bitcoin is difficult (Defi-cult) for the sleeping masses to understand. The awakening is constantly appropriated for the Novus Ordo Seclorum. The exoteric is is relationship to the Fiat construct which legitimizes the very construct it ...