Grandpa' Buk‘s Last Stand

9 Mar 1994

A sad window opens and blows sad wind;
The old writer dead over a new word processing computer;
And young, giggling children under the So. Cal. sun;

What fun is it to die of pneumonia--
Especially while trying to re-boot the goddammed computer
to expostulate ones last bit of knowledge?

The window in the air blows and a roach shares a sandwich;
The computer still hums -- dumb, dumb, dumb, computer
never booted and it never knew that you were gone;

But the flies knew, and they have laid their young on your last

Until someone identified you;
What did they care? 

Into The headline it read,
”Buk is dead, at last... It's about time.”

[from OGFOM-K #7, 1994]
(edited 29 Sept. 1998)

Grandpa' Buk‘s Last Stand
Grandpa' Buk‘s Last Stand

© Alexander Blair Nuttall / OGFOM-K Arts 1998
© Alexander Blair Nuttall / OgFOMK ArTS 1998 - 2017
20170624 -ABN

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