Jeep, Just In Case Beach and Sun
9. Jul. 2002
By Alex Nuttall - Bio
Alex Nuttall, title: Jeep, Just In Case Beach and Sun, Original Date: 20020709 |
Drawing by Alex Nuttall, title: Jeep, Just In Case Beach and Sun, Original Date: 20020709 – © Alex Nuttall / OgFOMK ArTS 2002 – 2017 – Retro-published 20170820.
The Jeep was there just in case the tide rolled into the romantic plain. The waves were non-existent. The sun held its way to the windshield. It was the East coast so we knew it was sunrise after a long night of fun, fire and friends.
Keywords: #Drawing # Charcoal #Newsprint #Sketch #NagsHead #Jeep #Beach #Sun
“Jeep, Just In Case Beach and Sun“ – 9. Jul. 2002 – #Drawing #Charcoal #Pencil