Most People are Not Mean

New York City could be a place mottled by mean people but the reality is that its full of cooperation. That’s why a terrorist attack is an unskilled action rewarded by little more that pissing off the co-op. It just makes the co-op stronger.

When you look at the long address of mankind, most people are not mean. They may not necessarily know what they are doing. Most of them/us don’t know what we are doing. For example New York City could be a place mottled by mean people but the reality is that its full of cooperation. That’s why a terrorist attack is an unskilled action rewarded by little more that pissing off the co-op. It just makes the co-op stronger.

An exercise in mindfulness is always good. Letting go of mean is a great thing. Mean is just a waste of time and energy. Mean is the miniskirt of fear.

Without considering what we are doing we can be a wrapper of meanness. Critical observation of others, mindless embarking, and just negligent travel time can all end up with a reward on lapel as “mean.”

Like an unskilled network line installation in a retail store. You look up and there it is like a sore thumb. Almost a juvenile terrorist attack. Being a selfish journey across a cooperative ceiling aesthetic it begs for removal. It is neither good, nor evil, but it begs to the skilled co-op to be removed.

There is a question sometimes as to what exactly the results of our behavior are. Good, evil, they are labels. What is good for some is not good for others. There is something that can be considered outside of the fray of labels. Skillful and unskillful are those conditions that rise above the good and evil patchwork of the day. Like an unskilled network line installation in a retail store. You look up and there it is like a sore thumb. Almost a juvenile terrorist attack. Being a selfish journey across a cooperative ceiling aesthetic it begs for removal. It is neither good, nor evil, but it begs to the skilled co-op to be removed.

A perspective is important because there you evaluate where you have been. Observations by others are meaningless unless they are coaching you along. No matter what, it is your journey. You must hone your skill.

Loving to be the very model of some skillful means this writer fails miserably from that condition. Here we find guilt lurking, regret forming and so here is fear with her miniskirt, again. Its the fashion of all trained actors to be in costume according to the training received via Mom, Dad, television, silver screen or environment. A perspective is important because there you evaluate where you have been. Observations by others are meaningless unless they are coaching you along. No matter what, it is your journey. You must hone your skill.

Looking down from the perch of hindsight.

Looking down from the perch of hindsight. You can remove the mean not from others but from yourself. That is the key here. Examine the causes and effects of your unskillful meanderings and soon enough there is a respite from the turmoil of mean. The greatest place to be is as far from it as possible. Become skilled in observation and the mistakes made by you and others begin to become the negotiation of a superior martial art. There is no room for hurt. There is no room for mean.

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