Movie Review - Sheba, Baby

12. Jan. 2018

It was well past midnight. Try 2 a.m. early. We don’t have cable so we watch what the rabbit ears bring. Our rabbit ears brought us the Bounce network. The Bounce network brought us Sheba, Baby with actress Pam Grier. We made some sleepy tea and watched a masterpiece.

Superficially we thought this was a blacksploitation film. The “Hey, jive turkey!” was the flag. But the movie was moving so fast we didn’t have time to judge anymore. We were hooked.

There are lot’s a great movie things to enjoy: Pimps, loan sharks, boats, yachts, assault rifles, uzis, explosions, murder, and fight scenes. But that’s the surface. Underneath you can tell everyone who made the movie was having a good time.

Our favorite scene was when Pam Grier goes commando in a wet suit. She reminds us of Sean Connery as James Bond. She is really in the water. She is really swimming.  Of course her makeup is perfect and her hair is intact.  The wet suit is exactly her size so we know that the Pam and the set team chose authenticity over show.

Did we mention boats? Yes there are boats. Nice boats. A yacht with a real engine room. Speed boats with chrome hot-rod engines and lavish interiors. Pam is piloting the speed boat, the jet ski and the uzi! Yep, she is not some man’s victim.  She is the hero.

If you like Bruce Lee, Quentin Tarantino, and ladies who don’t take shit from anyone this movie is for you.  In light of the perception that the US is not a place for African  Americans, women and independent film let’s walk back to 1975 where actors, directors and producers were working together to tell stories that boosted the moral of everyone.

Of course some of the scenes are cheesy. Like guns on a boat are about as useful as guns on an airplane. One shot and everyone is screwed. The fight scenes are not Bruce Lee strong but so what this is a play. On the other hand the stunt scenes are spot on. They are scary. Pam is doing her own stunts too so… right on!

You can check out this movie on Amazon by rental or with Brown Sugar which is $3.99 a month with Amazon Prime. We also recommend watching the Bounce Network.

After watching a movie on the Bounce network we felt it was necessary in light of what is happening now in the United States regarding skin color, race, racism, women and people divisions. So OgFOMK ArTS celebrates the kick ass movie, Sheba, Baby! Pam Grier stars in the early 1970s film as a private detective, who is beautiful, smart, sexy, skilled, African American and female. She does what few actors today would be afraid to consider. Sheba, Baby rocks!

Review by Alex Nuttall, title: Movie Review: Sheba, Baby, Original Date: 20180112 – © Alex Nuttall / OgFOMK ArTS 2018 – 2018 – Published 20180112.

#OgFOMK #Journal #Prose #AlexNuttall #ShebaBaby #PamGrier #Bounce #Movies #BlackMovies #AfroAmericanCinema

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