It's Saturday night. Do you know where your trash is? It might be hanging on the wall at the tasting room of Copper and Oak Craft Spirits. The artist, anthropologist and reclaim archaeologists Ross Brooks shows us what was discarded, rescued, embellished and promoted. Ross Brooks shows us us.
Heidi and Ross Brooks
Ross doesn't just hang his findings and finishing touches on the wall. He'll tell you about his discovers too. He's kind enough and honest enough to be shy about his work and then when sharing his discovery you can see the pride of being able to share what he found and did to awaken the discarded refuse spirit.
Heidi and Ross Brooks arriving at Copper and Oak
The venue was Copper and Oak Craft Spirits, located in the Downtown Portsmouth, Virginia, Olde Towne district. We were able to get there from OgFOMK ArTS' office in a hot, flat 6 minutes. We ain't bar hoppers but we love art. So when a friend tells us about an art show we want to go see it.
Ross Brooks Show Piece at Copper and Oak
Ross Brooks Show Piece at Copper and Oak
Copper and Oak Craft Spirits is not a bar. It's a trendy tapas joint. It is no bohemian flopping ground. It's entirely new to us. It's a distillery right on High Street with a very comfortable tasting space that has blank walls that are perfect for creative minds.
Ross Brooks Show Piece at Copper and Oak
The tasting room is 50 percent of the visible space. It's public space. The other visible space that is not public is the Craft Spirits Distillery. Partitioned only by a wainscot wall and vintage mullions that frame light friendly glazing.
Ross Brooks Show Piece at Copper and Oak
There's a small bar. There are comfortable chairs, tables, couches and relaxed lightings. The crowd is a mix of animated gentlemen, ladies and the director of Ross Brooks' show, Ross Brooks.
Ross Brooks Show Piece at Copper and Oak
Ross Brooks Show Piece at Copper and Oak
Ross Brooks Show Pieces at Copper and Oak
Ross Brooks Show Pieces at Copper and Oak
Ross Brooks Show Piece at Copper and Oak
Ross Brooks Show Piece at Copper and Oak
The works range from LP jacket size or slightly less than to twice the vertical size of a movie poster. No fancy frames. No place card judgements. Fastened to the wall with whatever made sense at the time.
Richard Kim Photographs Heidi and Ross Brooks
Ross planed the show about nearly two months in advance. For him to do the show it was a lot of stress. No one pushed him. No one forced him. No one paid him or commissioned him.
Heidi, Ross Brooks and Richard Kim
His work was not even for sale. It's not fine art. It's sweat, frustration, feelings, form, perception and joy.
Heidi, Ross Brooks and Richard Kim
With Ross, as difficult as it was to get his composition together, there is always humor. He's laughing. He smiling. He's kindly taking you on a journey with him where he has found your discardlings.
Ross Brooks with Friends
Ross Brooks the archeologist from the dig becomes an anthropologist. He takes his findings to the lab. He cuts, dissects, reassembles and presents.
Ross Brooks with Friends
Upon completion of the work the artist passes on the results of his labor to the director. The director shares the work. Now it's up to the audience to complete the process.
Ross Brooks with Friends
Ross Brooks of Olde Towne, Portsmouth, Virginia shows his found object work at Copper and Oak Craft Spirits. It's a collection of found pieces that have been highlighted as mixed media with an anthropological bend.
The occult is all over science. Good and bad occult. The good occult is just the ignorance of the participants. Like doctors who take the Hippocratic oath who perform abortions, euthanasia and harmful protocols. Astrology isn't bad in itself but the belief that what is external moves the internal is incorrect. The belief that the external is a reflection of the internal and vise verse is morebetterest. The greatest Occult of darkness and the largest religion is the religion of money. Everyone who is charmed by this goes to that alter. The Fiat branch of this church is the worst. When someone says that Bitcoin isn't money that should be regarded as a compliment. Mon + Eye is the temple of Solomon between your ears. It's the pineal gland. The third eye. The all seeing eye is not on green paper. That is a talisman that sorcerers have given us to substitute our own consciousness. Think about this: The bearer instrument is the talisman. We accept it and we exchange it. It can be...
November 1st, 2023 November means the ninth month. For those of you who do not believe that anyone is lying to you why don't you explain this? October - 8, December - 10... You don't think you are under any mind control? You don't believe in conspiracy? You don't think that there is an organized effort to dumb you down and make your very language irrelevant? The days of the week in English: Monday - The Moon Day Tuesday - Tewas (Tir , Mars Day) Wednesday - Woton, Odin's day Thursday - Thor's day Friday - Venus (French) Freya (Goddess -Odin's Daughter) The Morning Star (See Islamic Logo with Moon and Venus) Islamic Holy Day Saturday - Saturn's day (El in Hebrew as in BethEl (Temple of Saturn) -Sabbath day) Jewish holy day Sunday - Sun's Day and Christian holy day. All days of various cults as the weekend reserved for the desert Astrotheology cults. So what does that mean? It means that by visiting the marketplace we have embraced various c...
When someone takes the time to do the work and someone takes no time to disregard the work the work itself is still done and the pathway of the worker is skill while the pathway of the critic is pain.