Zalenskyy Demands More From Biden and Congress

A very different perspective from the Hodge Twins on the President of the Ukraine begging the United States President and Congress for a war and money. 

The perspective is that Ukraine's Zalenskyy should surrender. Now that sounds like weakness but what's a stake? World War III is at stake. 

Now why would gun rights advocates want another nation to surrender? Well, maybe it has something to do with living in a place where there are no fun rights for civilians and only criminals, conscripts and the military are allowed to have weapons.

The Ukrainian people are in the middle of an evil power grab. Ukraine is an example of why the United States should have armed citizens. 1 out 3 US citizens is LEGALLY armed. There are also a lot of citizens that have legal undocumented arms. Then there are those of us who have been trained to manufacture improvised arms. Then there are the hunters, fishermen and mixed martial artists who can take whatever arms the oppressor may bring. Then we have citizen soldiers for each state. 

Ukraine had been a puppet for Europe, NATO and the United States. Historically the US has not always been here. Most nations have not existed in their geographic form for the last two hundred years. 

Just a different perspective. 

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